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It is also called as Scarlet Eggplant or Ethiopian Eggplant.

It is an annual, heirloom variety from Turkey.

It produces lots of orange-red fruit that resemble tomatoes.

Eggplant needs full sun, ample water, rich, fertile and well-drained soil and are not doing good in waterlogged and intensely acidic soils.


🍆 Turkish eggplant has very sweet and flavourful flesh.

🍆You can start to use them while still green and the seeds have not yet developed properly.

🍆 When young they can be used in stews and curries.

🍆 When they are bright red they are ideal prepared in a hollowed, stuffed and baked dish.

Perfect for grilling, frying, stuffing, baking and can be put on veggie pizzas.

🍆 Use with tomatoes, potatoes and peppers, both sweet and hot.

🍆 Will pair well with garlic, peaches, fennel and herbs such as oregano, coriander and parsley.

🍆 Its “meaty” texture makes eggplant a staple in vegetarian diets.

🍆 You need never salt this eggplant. It is far sweeter than Asian varieties, with a tender bite that you'll fall in love with. Use it just as you would its purple and white cousins in all kinds of dishes.


🍆 Turkish Orange eggplant is a rich source of lycopene, a naturally occurring pigment that doubles as an antioxidant.

🍆 The Lycopene is contained within the eggplant's skin and develops once the fruit ripens.

🍆 Lycopene has anti-cancer benefits such as preventing, fighting and repairing cell damage.

🍆 High in bioflavonoids that help also fight cancer.

Low in saturated fat, sodium and cholesterol and high in dietary fibre.

🍆 One of the best foods for weight lost - it supplies only 25 calories per serving.

🍆 Contains folate, potassium, manganese, Vitamins C and K, Thiamin, Niacin, B-6, Panthothenic Acid, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Copper.

🍆 Raw eggplant can be applied topically for scorpion bites and a compress made of infused eggplant can be applied for frostbite.

🍆 Turkish eggplant has a short shelf life and should be used within two to three days.

🍆 For best flavour and texture store them in a cool dry place until ready to use.

It is the best variety for patio containers. Turkish Orange sets fruits the size of tennis balls. Unlike many heirloom vegetables, it is a very heavy producer—expect a long and fruitful season of 3-inch-diameter eggplants from very compact plants you can grow in containers as well as the garden.


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